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During these dangerous times in which we are living suggest that we have to search for a refuge, a shelter, where we can be protected against harm or misfortune that may be lurking us.  The ancient holy Apostle Paul said: "Because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God"...Romans 8:14.  The guidance of the Holy Spirit is the most powerful protection a person can have on Earth.  Anyone who has the blessing or privilege of being guided by the Holy Spirit is because he is God's child, and because God loves his children, He protects them day and night, wherever they may be or go.

It is important for you to discover the greatest treasure that God has on Earth:  "the powerful work of the Holy Spirit".  This church, Pueblo de Amos, has experienced the blessing of that Spirit.  God is guiding us through his Holy Spirit.  He has manifested himself in a very powerful way through His holy Prophet Amos.  We received the holy doctrine through Prophet Amos and the assurance that we have been led by God himself through Amos' words and miracles.

Every good tree bears good fruit.  Prophet Amos followed the words of God, believed in His promises, and acted upon them.  He built his house upon the rock of faith, and although the rain descended, the flood waters rose and the winds blew; the house did not falter because it had been built upon the rock. 

The Holy Spirit has served as our shield and protection.  He has delivered us from all evil and dangers through his Prophet Amos.  We invite you to give yourself an opportunity by looking into the wonders and miracles that God is manifesting to this church.  This is a holy ministry that in the mist of these dangerous times is the most opportune advice from heaven that can reach you.  We are speaking to you about the only power and treasure that Jesus Christ offered and promised his disciples when he was no longer going to be on Earth with them.  That promise was of the new Counselor, the Holy Spirit.  Said prophecy appears in John 14:16-17..."And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you; the Spirit of truth.  The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.  But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you".  That Counselor manifested himself through Prophet Amos, and we are the witnesses to the fulfillment of God's promises.

The first Christians also experienced the glory of God.  They received the Holy Spirit that came upon them and He performed great miracles and wonders in those days.  Those were the early rains of the Holy Spirit upon his children. 

When the primitive anointed Christians passed away the night of the apostasy fell upon the Earth.  Dense darkness of incredulity, ignorance, and superstition obscured the world.  But the promise was still standing for those who dared to seek and embrace it with a clean heart.  Although, we are not going to detail how arduous our struggles, sacrifices, and humiliations have been to seize that promise, we invite you to receive this message with faith and give yourself an opportunity to learn more about this holy ministry.

We greatly admire the marvelous way He guides, blesses, and prospers us.  He has been our doctor performing great healings in us.  He has saved us from incurable illnesses.  He pours a constant rain of blessings upon us.  We have confirmed his guidance through his holy Prophet Amos. 

We are going henceforth triumphant with our beloved God.  He is the lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path.  The work of Prophet Amos continues on Earth.  His message is our inspiration.


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